Individual Coaching
Innovation starts with the leader. Whether that person is leading with or without authority. I can help you identify your leadership style and make choices about how to move in the direction of leading for successful innovation. I coach product, program, and project managers in addition to people managers in leadership roles.
Development and Integration of the Product Management Discipline
Is your team struggling with what it means to be a PM? Do you have junior PMs that need mentoring? Are you trying to figure out roles and responsibilities in the presence of the PM discipline? These are problems many companies find difficult. I can help you figure out what's best for your organization, train your PMs to be great, and help the team's culture to be more collaborative.
Innovation Management
Does your team want to innovate but is struggling with making it happen? I work with teams of all sizes to help them achieve success. From insight generation to delivery, with my guidance you'll innovate and learn how to do it yourselves from here on out.
I can also help your team develop product vision, strategy, and KPIs.
Since 1993
Innovation doesn't have to be hard
Innovation is a natural process. What's hard is building the necessary empathy for your customers or stakeholders, generating and being comfortable with the conflict to produce the best outcomes, and embracing change as a necessity.
Using research-backed techniques such as design thinking, plus my own learnings from innovating at Apple and Microsoft, I can help you achieve your innovation goals and build great teams.